Cosmox Blogs
Time Travel by Time Dilation

Time Travel by Time Dilation

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jun 04, 2022

Our perception of time that it is absolute is nothing but an illusion, time is not absolute it is relative. The faster you move through space the slower you move through time. This phenomenon was described by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity.

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Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jun 04, 2022

“It's terrifying when you consider that every thought we have, every choice we could possibly make, branches off into a new world.” - Blake Crouch on Dark Matter

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The Space Hurricane over The North Pole

The Space Hurricane over The North Pole

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jun 04, 2022

The space event has been termed as a “hurricane” mainly because of its similarities with land hurricanes. These similarities include the observations which state that the space hurricane had a stable center point, like that of a hurricane’s eye, along with strong shears around the edges.

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Time Travel To Past

Time Travel To Past

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jul 04, 2022

Time Travel is something that has fascinated all of us. We all have made some mistakes and we always think if we could correct them. As per some theories time travel is possible, so let's check them out!

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Uncertainty principle

Uncertainty principle

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Aug 06, 2022

The uncertainty principle is a great example representing the mysterious nature of the universe at the quantum level, the concept was first introduced by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg (one of the founders of quantum mechanics) in 1927

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Penrose Singularity

Penrose Singularity

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Nov 26, 2022

Spacetime singularity a place where all laws of physics become meaningless and the notion of reality itself changes completely

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Quantum Gravity

Quantum Gravity

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Dec 09, 2022

Gravity is nothing but a curvature in spacetime a curve in a higher dimension that we can’t perceive in 3d space, general relativity has explained many things about gravity but also breaks at extreme gravitational conditions like what happens at the center of a black hole.

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Wave Particle Duality

Wave Particle Duality

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Dec 25, 2022

Wave Particle duality refers to the fundamental property of matter where, at one moment it appears like a wave, and yet at another moment it acts like a particle.

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Quantum Tunneling

Quantum Tunneling

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jan 13, 2023

Quantum tunneling is also a part of quantum mechanics meaning this phenomena happens at the quantum scale where particles like electrons penetrate a potential energy barrier where a sufficient amount of energy possessed by a particle can increase its probability of penetrating the barrier depending upon the width and thickness of it.

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Parker Solar Probe: Spacecraft that touched Sun

Parker Solar Probe: Spacecraft that touched Sun

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Mar 06, 2023

The parker’s solar probe made history by becoming the first spacecraft to touch the sun. It passed through the sun’s upper atmosphere known as Corona. Solar Corona's temperature can rise to a million degrees celsius. Corona is the hottest region of the sun, the biggest question that arises here is ”Why didn’t it melt?”.

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Interstellar Travel 🚀

Interstellar Travel 🚀

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Apr 20, 2023

Interstellar travel is something that we all have thought about. Those futuristic technologies and their potential, which is far away from our current technology.

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DART Mission: Smashing Astroids

DART Mission: Smashing Astroids

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Apr 23, 2023

The DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) is a NASA mission (roughly $325 million mission) designed to test the feasibility of deflecting an asteroid's trajectory by colliding a spacecraft with it.

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Kardashev Scale: Futuristic Civilisations

Kardashev Scale: Futuristic Civilisations

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

May 21, 2023

There are mainly three types of civilizations assigned according to their energy consumption proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 - The Kardashev Scale

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Nuclear Fusion: Unveiling the Clean Energy Revolution

Nuclear Fusion: Unveiling the Clean Energy Revolution

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Dec 10, 2023

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). In simple words, nuclear fusion is the process that gives the Sun its energy.

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Neutron Stars: Neutrality Of The Universe

Neutron Stars: Neutrality Of The Universe

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Apr 12, 2024

Neutron stars, the leftovers of massive star blasts, puzzle scientists with their incredible density and strong gravity. Let's explore their origins and cosmic importance together

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Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Apr 30, 2024

Explore how the universe started with blazing energy and now softly hums its history. Delve into Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation – the ancient echo revealing the universe's birth (The Big Bang)

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Hypersonic Flight: A Journey from Sound Barrier to Beyond

Hypersonic Flight: A Journey from Sound Barrier to Beyond

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

May 03, 2024

Discover the journey from breaking the sound barrier to hypersonic flight. Explore the evolution, challenges, and future of aviation at unprecedented speeds in this comprehensive overview

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Sunquakes: Solar Symphony of Seismic Waves

Sunquakes: Solar Symphony of Seismic Waves

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

May 16, 2024

unveiling the dynamic nature of our sun through seismic ripples, shedding light on the forces shaping our solar system through pioneering observations and high-resolution imaging.

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Hydrogen Bombs: Unleashing The Ultimate Destruction

Hydrogen Bombs: Unleashing The Ultimate Destruction

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jun 16, 2024

Discover the incredible power and terrifying potential of hydrogen bombs. From their creation during the Cold War to the science behind their immense destructive force, this article explores how these weapons changed the world and continue to shape our future.

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Voyager 1: The Vasco Da Gama of Interstellar Travel

Voyager 1: The Vasco Da Gama of Interstellar Travel

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Jun 29, 2024

Voyager 1, humanity's farthest-reaching object at 24.3 billion km from Earth, launched in 1977 to study outer planets, and now travels beyond the solar system. Powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generators, it continues to communicate with Earth, carrying the Golden Record as a universal message for future extraterrestrial encounters.

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Chandrayaan 3: The Venture To The South Pole of Moon

Chandrayaan 3: The Venture To The South Pole of Moon

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Aug 05, 2024

Chandrayaan-3 marks a significant milestone in India's space exploration, demonstrating ISRO's technological advancements with a successful soft landing on the lunar surface. The mission's focus on surface composition analysis and thermal properties of the Moon promises valuable scientific discoveries, paving the way for future lunar missions and potential human exploration.

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Bose Einstein Condensate: The Quantum State of Matter

Bose Einstein Condensate: The Quantum State of Matter

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Aug 10, 2024

Discover the extraordinary world of Bose-Einstein condensates, where atoms lose their individuality and merge into a single quantum entity. This rare state of matter, achieved at temperatures near absolute zero, defies classical physics and opens new doors in quantum research. Explore the groundbreaking discoveries and future possibilities that Bose-Einstein condensates offer in the realm of quantum mechanics.

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Apophis and Beyond: Epic Strategies to Defend Earth

Apophis and Beyond: Epic Strategies to Defend Earth

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Aug 18, 2024

Facing the looming threat of asteroids like Apophis, Earth's brightest minds have devised groundbreaking strategies to safeguard our planet. From kinetic impactors to gravity tractors, explore the advanced tactics that could prevent an asteroid Armageddon. Discover how humanity is preparing for the ultimate cosmic defense.

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Chandrayaan 2: India's Lunar Ambition

Chandrayaan 2: India's Lunar Ambition

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Aug 23, 2024

The Chandrayaan-2 mission, launched by ISRO in July 2019, marked a significant milestone in India's space exploration journey. It aimed to explore the lunar surface with advanced scientific instruments, providing insights into the Moon's topography, mineralogy, and exosphere. This mission, although partially successful, paved the way for future lunar explorations and demonstrated India's growing capabilities in space technology.

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Lockheed SR - 71 Blackbird: The Pinnacle Of Aviation

Lockheed SR - 71 Blackbird: The Pinnacle Of Aviation

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Sep 03, 2024

Explore the remarkable history and groundbreaking technology behind the SR-71 Blackbird, the world's fastest and highest-flying aircraft. Delve into the Cold War era, where this engineering marvel redefined supersonic flight and set records that remain unchallenged to this day.

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Exoplanets: Finding Life In The Universe

Exoplanets: Finding Life In The Universe

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Sep 08, 2024

Exoplanets, mysterious worlds orbiting distant stars, come in all shapes and sizes, from rocky Earth-like planets to gas giants hotter than Jupiter. Could one of them be our next home? Explore the fascinating journey of discovery and the race to find a second Earth!

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The Quest of life beyond Earth: Mars

The Quest of life beyond Earth: Mars

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Sep 14, 2024

The search for life beyond Earth has long captivated humanity, with Mars standing out as one of the most promising candidates. With growing evidence of ancient oceans, an atmosphere that could once have supported life, and traces of methane, Mars continues to fuel our quest for discovering extraterrestrial life. The implications of even the smallest form of life on Mars would redefine our understanding of life in the universe.

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The Mysteries of the Moon

The Mysteries of the Moon

Cosmox Blogs

Cosmox Blogs

Oct 12, 2024

The Moon, with its enchanting glow, continues to be a source of fascination and mystery, from the presence of water ice in its shadowed craters to the unanswered questions about its origin. While missions like Apollo and recent explorations have shed light on these enigmas, the true nature of lunar phenomena and the secrets of its far side remain tantalizingly elusive, inviting further investigation as we venture deeper into space.

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